Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Saga Continues…

So, a few days ago I wrote about how my three flower baskets had been stolen off my front porch in broad daylight (as best as I can figure—I’m sure I’d have noticed them missing when I checked the mail that morning).  Knowing how upset I was, my sweet and thoughtful husband brought home a bouquet of flowers that evening in an attempt to cheer me up.  It helped but I still felt ripped off every time I went and in and out the front door and saw the empty hooks.

Last night we decided to go for a walk and as we passed a rental duplex a few doors down from us I spotted what could have been one of my baskets hanging from their front porch.  There were people out front and we were across the street so I couldn’t get a really good look but we made sure to pass by it more closely on the way home.  While I couldn’t swear it was my basket I had a strong suspicion that it was.  We even went into our backyard to see if we could see the other two baskets but their back porch was out of sight. 

This experience left me feeling frustrated.  I was pretty sure I knew who had stolen my baskets but I couldn’t prove it.  I was tempted to go in the dark of night and steal the one back but then what would we be opening ourselves to?  Empty hooks seemed preferable to slashed tires or smashed windows.  I ranted a bit then resigned myself to the fact that it was only flowers and I still had some beautiful baskets out back that I could enjoy.  Time to get over it. 

Then I went out to run an errand this afternoon and found this hanging from one of the hooks:

June 2010 006        

It was definitely not there when I went to check the mail this morning.

All I could do was laugh--a wee bit hysterically if truth be told.

Now, this is not one of my baskets but it is a basket and I have no idea who put it there.  A good Samaritan who heard my tale of woe (a handful of friends and close family members) or the thief trying to appease their conscience?  Chances are I’ll never know but I’ll be sure to tell you if I find out.  Meanwhile, I’m just going to accept the new flowers at face value and enjoy their colour and scent as the summer progresses.        

Update:  I wondered if the mysterious donor could have been my sister.  I had bought the original baskets at her school fundraiser and had told her of their theft when she dropped by the other night.  I guessed correctly—she reluctantly admitted to it when I asked her about it.  She said she did it secretly so that I might think the thief had had a fit of conscience.  I will treasure the new flowers even more now, knowing they were given with such love and thoughtfulness.


Jessica said...

Yep, that sounds like Auntie Jeanine alright... she's such a sweetie. :)

Unknown said...

Awww that is really sweet! I'm glad you have flowers now. Random acts of kindness are so wonderful!