Friday, October 31, 2008

A Happy Halloween

Autumn leaves are falling, jack-o-lanterns glow from every doorstep, and costumed children make their way from house to house, shouting their plea of “Trick or treat!” That can only mean one thing…it’s Colin’s birthday!

Yes, nineteen years ago today I gave birth to my own little Halloweenie, a 9lb, 1oz bundle of joy. There are definitely both advantages and disadvantages to sharing your birthday with a holiday. On the plus side, you are never stuck for a theme for your party but on the downside, the holiday can detract from your own special day. Colin is the last of our three children to officially enter adulthood; a couple of weeks ago he voted for the first time and as of 12:01 this morning he reached the legal drinking age.

I know it sounds cliché but I can’t believe my baby is all grown up. In a blink of an eye he went from this

to this.

Happy Birthday, Colin. Cheers!

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