Thursday, January 14, 2010

We Now Return to Our Regularly-Scheduled Program

The past few weeks have gone by in a blur.  After all the holiday preparation and festivities, houseguests, and our subsequent vacation, it seems as though life is finally regaining some sense of normalcy.  

This year the Christmas season was particularly busy, with some sort of family gathering taking place practically every day. Christmas morning was spent with our own family; Colin stayed over the night before, then Jessica and Neil came by for brunch later on.

December 2009 009 After stopping briefly to visit with my brother-in-law and his family we continued on to my sister’s house for Christmas dinner with my extended family. We were all thrilled to meet the newest member of the clan, my great-nephew, Jeremy, who spent the evening being passed from person to person,

December 2009 065while his older sister, Lauren, stationed herself next to the Doritos bowl.

December 2009 057 

Once again I received some wonderful knitterly gifts, including a pair of handknit socks from Jessica,

Knitting 1277

a gift certificate to one of my favourite LYS’s, sock blockers, some sock yarn, and several knitting books.

Over the course of the next week, in addition to playing host to my parents, then to my sister and brother-in-law, and finally to my mother-in-law, we gathered with various family members for numerous dinners, a birthday brunch, and New Year’s Eve celebrations.  Everybody seemed pleased with the handknit socks they received as Christmas or birthday gifts and my niece even requested a pair of her own. Another convert!  I was relieved to see that Morgan’s sweater fit her perfectly and it didn’t take any coaxing to get her to model it for me; she loves to “pose”.December 2009 046Last Monday morning Cameron and I said goodbye to the hustle and bustle and took off for a decidedly untropical island vacation. We spent three days in Ucluelet, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, and three days near Parksville, on the east coast. Rainbows seemed to follow us everywhere.

January 2010 003 January 2010 115 January 2010 120We couldn’t have asked for a more relaxing holiday. We took the occasional nature walk and even visited a couple of yarn stores but the majority of our time was spent reading and knitting and admiring our ocean views. We returned home on Sunday with our batteries recharged, ready to resume our ordinary life.

Things are still a little hectic, as they often are after a vacation, as we try to catch up on all the various things neglected in our absence.  It’s already mid-January and I have hardly given a thought to my personal and knitting goals for the new year or chosen a project for the upcoming Ravelympics.  But with any luck, by next week our days should have settled into their regular rhythms, giving me a chance to ponder these—ahem--momentous decisions.

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